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3-2024 Take your GPG key with you.......

I asked LG a question about GPG. Is there a neat way to export and save my GPG/PGP secret key (private key) on a USB stick ? I have to do this, since I am often changing my machines (most of which are given on loan by my employers). The secret key goes away with the machine, and I am obliged to generate a new key pair each time. I did a Google search and did not succeed. I know I can save/export my public key, but GPG/PGP refuse to let me use a copy of my secret key.
And I got this answer::

To use the secret key::

Try this, and tell the world how it worked for you. partha


2-2024 Words of worship

We should say, “Alhamdullilah” (all praise and gratitude belong to Allah) for what we have; “Insha’Allah” for what we intend; and, “Subhana’ Allah” when we see something exciting or amazing. We should remember to say, “Astaghfir’Allah” ( I seek forgiveness from Allah ) when we lose our tempers or become weak, and most importantly, “Allahu Akbar” ( God is great )when we are faced with the challenges of life. "Bismillah" ("Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem") ​​before starting any work.
Also see :: Is quran related to mathematics ?

1-2024 Is Quran related to maths ?

Is Quran related to mathematics ? :

Also see: Words of worship